Thursday, June 17, 2010

Some How Some Where.

To whom who read this,

Every day is a special day and a special that god created, 7days in a week and there is nigh and day.
I am been living in the earth for the pass 23years now, and everyday is a journey.
A journey that I never know where I could be and I don't know who I will meet, Adventures Journey I could say.

Lord have great plans for us, and knowing him just for the short 2 and a half years is amazing.
He have show me so much in life and leading me into a journey that I never imagine myself in it.
I am walking in the path that he have plan for me is just beautiful and knowing he have all the great plans for me, he have show me awesome adventure for the pass 6month.

Some times I just think that is a shame that most of the unsaved people/friend. Thinking that will I see them in heaven? But I never give up praying for salvation.
My family is unsaved, I am sad yet I have faith in them. Is tough tho.... but Never GIVE UP!!!

He have handmade us, and he know us by our name, how amazing...
I believed one day that all my friend and family will understand me and will glorify his name and confess he is lord and our savior.

I love you Abba.... I believe you know my desire and you will fulfill it.

Jenny Loo

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