Saturday, October 30, 2010

News feed of my little brain.

His Grace created everything in Heaven and this earth that we are living in.
He made everything  all things possible, He knows us by names, He loves us, He give good gifts, and by his grace I am who I am now, His princess, his little girl, he comforts me when I am down. He know my needs, filling my empty soul with his undying love. I surrender to you, my lord my Saviour.

   ~mark 16:15. Go into all the world, and give the good news to everyone.~

 Lord I love you, please teach me how to trust and obey, sometimes I am afraid.
Yet sometime I know I have to step out in faith, and listen what you have to tell me.
I never forget that day you I got saved, is because I listen to you, my "papa" who loves me.
I know you are with me everyday, you know my prayer and my desire.
I know when the time is right my family will know you are the lord and Saviour of our life.


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