Monday, September 13, 2010

splash back memories

When was the day you think of  grandparents, parents, siblings, friends and little little things in life?
I think about my late grandparents that pass away when is 2002, her smile, laughter and her herbal tea that makes me vomit every time  I drink it. I didn't spend much time with my grandma, I barely know my own grandma.

But I know she loves us very much, although most of the time we don't understand what she is trying to say and hoping my parents translate correctly what she said, yet sometime I feel like I don't know who are they and somehow a generation is lost. My hearts melts when I see folks in the old folks home makes me sad and happy, because they share their life story to a stranger. How I wish my grandparents share that to me.
Is a shame that I don't have the opportunity to know my grandparents. 

Old people seems to have the sweets smile ever, and warmest hand that filled with love and peace.
I remember when I was a child my grandma will be very happy when we go back to visit her. A bright smile lighten her face with joy. It makes her happy when we are back. I can't relive in the past but memories will forever stay in my mind. 

Spending time with older folks is a privileges. Don't waste your time hanging out in a mall doing nothing, but spend time bring them out in a mall listen and share what is happening around you.

One major fact that I learned, look and listen from your heart not your eyes and ears. In reality everyone listen thru ears and see it from their eyes, we need to learn to slow down our foot steep and take things easy trust your heart and everything will flow in the right spot just the way you want it to be. 

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